Relationship Road

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Wondering if Relationship Road is right for you?

  • Overcome the toxic mindset that doesn't give you the intimacy that you hunger for.
  • Learn how to get off the seesaw of perfectionism in you relationships.
  • Find the freedom and vulnerability to be seen and loved for who you truly are.
  • Change your life and your relationship with God by learning how to live in authentic Emotionally Healthy Christianity.
  • Learn what the Bible teaches about emotional and mental health.
  • Feel more like yourself, more loved by God, more connected to those you love.
  • Learn how to live in intimacy and dump the intensity that is ruining your relationships.

meet the author

Hello, I'm Carole Reitsma

For many years I lived with the toxic mindset that "doing" more would bring the intimacy with God and those I love 
that I desperately wanted.

It wasn't until I became a licensed Christian Therapist that I found authentic emotionally healthy Christianity.

Weaving together emotionally healthy principles with Biblically based truths can give you the tools to create greater joy and intimacy with God, yourself, and those you love.

I know what it's like to lay awake at night, feeling empty and alone, longing to be seen, known and heard, exhausted from trying harder...

"In-to-me-see is the very primal longing of our hearts. This intimacy is the deepest essence of our soul's
 yearning to be seen, 
known, accepted and loved."

-Excerpt from Relationship Road

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 is like Peanut Butter without
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